By Professor M Anthony Pogrel Professor and Chair of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery[...]
By Dr. Daniel W.K. Kao is the CEO of Washington Dental Group and also a clinical[...]
By Michael A. Kahn, DDS, Chairman and tenured Professor of the Department of Oral and[...]
By Ira Lamster, D.D.S., M.M.Sc Professor of Health Policy & Management at the Columbia University[...]
By Phil Jevon, Resuscitation Officer/Clinical Skills Lead at Manor Hospital, Walsall. The Basic Guide to Medical[...]
By Yadav Rajesh R, Yadav Akancha R, Dhond Prakash V This is the 1st edition[...]
By Awasthi PN In this book ‘Dental Operating Room Assistant’ focus on relevance to the[...]
By Prabhu SR The book Dental Management of Medically Complex Patient, therefore, is designed just[...]
By Saraf Sanjay This small book is a companion to Textbook of Oral Pathology by[...]
By Kishor Gulabivala, BDS, MSc, FDS RCS (Edin), PhD, FHEA , Head of Endodontology &[...]
By Carl Drago, Thomas Peterson Implant Restorations: A Step-by-Step Guide offers clinicians a practical, step-by-step approach[...]
By Gerald Z. Wright Ari Kupietzky Guiding patient behavior is as important as ever for[...]
By Ashok Karad This book is targeted for every Orthodontic professional – postgraduate students (residents),[...]
By JIADS Let’s Try Periodontics is an educational comic closely based on the original Japanese[...]
By Pekka Vallittu, University of Turku, Finland As the demand for healthy, attractive teeth increases,[...]
By BS Manjunatha BDS MDS (DNB) The material in the book is written for persons[...]
By Basavaraj Subhashchandra Phulari BDS MDS (Ortho-TSMA-Russia) FAGE FRSH Cephalometrics has been used in orthodontics[...]
By Nigoskar Shreya This book presents Biochemistry in specific and concise manner. Covers all the[...]