By Antonio Nanci, PhD, Professor of Anatomy & Cell Biology, DO Stomatology, Faculty of Dentistry, UO[...]
By L. Stephen Buchanan, Diplomate of the American Board of Endodontics, fellow of the International[...]
By Crispian Scully, Oslei Paes de Almeida, Jose Bagan, Pedro Diz Dios, Adalberto Mosqueda Taylor [...]
By Dentsply Maillefer[...]
By Degudent, A Dentsply International Company[...]
By Stanley J. Nelson, DDS, MS, Professor, School of Dental Medicine, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, US; Major M.[...]
By Daljit S. Gill, BDS, BSc, MSc, FDS RCS, MOrth RCS, FDS, RCS, Consultant Orthodontist and Honorary Senior[...]
By David P. Rice, Senior Lecturer, Guy’s Hospital, King’s College, London, UK, Professor of Orthodontics, Institute of Dentistry, UO Helsinki, Finland[...]
By R.M. Natal Jorge, Sónia M. Santos, João Manuel R.S. Tavares, Mário A.P. Vaz, Faculty of[...]
By John J. Murray, CBE, Emeritus Professor of Child Dental Health, Former Dean of Dentistry, University of[...]
By Stanley F. Malamed, D.D.S., Professor of Anesthesia & Medicine, Diplomate of the American Dental Board of[...]
By William J. Clark, BDS, DDO, Orthodontist, Fife, Scotland, UK[...]
By Mike Bryon, Jim Clayden, Chris Tyreman[...]
By Jens C. Türp, Prof., Reconstructive Dentistry & Temporo- mandibular Disorders, School of Dentistry, UO Basel,[...]
By Ramiel Nagel, BA, five years of training in emotional health care, internationally published author, member[...]
By Emanuel Rubin, MD, Gonzalo E. Aponte Distinguished Professor, Pathology, Chairman Emeritus, DO Pathology, Anatomy, and Cell Biology, Jefferson[...]
By Richard Lamont, Professor of Oral Biology, UO Florida, Gainesville, US Howard Jenkinson, Professor of[...]
By Bjorn Ludwig, Private Praccice and Poliklinik für Kieferorthopädie, Universität Hamburg Saar, Germany Sebastian Baumgaertel, Assistane Clinical Professor, DO Orthodontics, School[...]
By Leslie Collier, Emiritus Professor of Virology, University of London. John Oxford, Professor Virology, St.[...]
By Michael S. Block, DMD, Professor, DO Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, Louisiana[...]
By Linda Greenwall, BDS, MGDSRCS, MRDRCS, MSc, FGDP, Private practice, London, UK[...]
By Kunihiko Miyashita, DDS Andrew D. Dixon, MDS, PhD, DSc, Professor Emeritus, Former Dean, Shool[...]
By James L. Fuller, DDS, MS, Gerald E. Denehy, DDS, MS, Thomas M. Schulein, DDS, College[...]
By Michael G. Newman, DDS, Professor Emeritus, Section of Periodontics Henry H. Takei, DDS, MS, Distinguished Clinical[...]
By Handmark, Inc.[...]
By ec-europe mobile apps[...]
By William T. Johnson, DDS, MS, Professor, DO Family Dentistry and Dows Institute for Dental[...]
By Mitsuhir Tsukiboshi, DDS, Amagun, Aichi, Japan[...]
By Richard E. Walton, DMD, MS, The University of Iowa College of Dentistry, Iowa City,[...]
By Martin Levine, B.D.S., B.Sc., Ph.D., DO Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Oklahoma, US[...]
By Michael Friedman, MD, FACS, Professor of Otolaryngology, Chairman, Division of Sleep Surgery, Rush University Medical Center, Chairman of[...]
By Peter J. Taub, MD, Associate Professor, Surgery and Pediatrics, Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Mount Sinai Medical[...]
By Wayne F. Larrabee, Jr. M.D., F.A.C.S., Clinical Professor, Kathleen H. Makielski, M.D., Associate Professor, DO Otolaryngology Head[...]
By John D Langdon, MDS, FDSRCS, FRCS, FMedSc, FKC, Professor and Head, DO Oral and Maxillofacial[...]
By K. Riden, FRCS, FDSRCS, Southmead Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Southmead Hospital, Bristol, UK[...]
By Edwina A M Kidd, Emeritus Professor of Cariology, Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Dental Institute, King’s College, UO[...]
By Rudolf Beer, DDS, PhD, Dentist in Private Practice, Essen, Germany Micheal A. Baumann, DDS,[...]
By Mark P. Mooney, Ph.D., Associate Professor, DO Oral Medicine and Pathology, Anthropology, Surgery-Division of Plastic and Reconstructive[...]
By Arthur O. Rahn Former Professor Emeritus, John R. Ivanhoe Former Professor Emeritus, Kevin D. Plummer Associate Professor, DO Oral[...]
By James K. Avery, D.D.S., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Dentistry and Anatomy, School of Dentistry and Medical School,[...]