Principles and Biomechanics of Aligner Treatment

Ravindra Nanda, Tommaso Castroflorio, Francesco Garino, Kenji Ojima


Improve patient outcomes with the latest advances in aligner treatment and orthodontics! Principles and Biomechanics of Aligner Treatment describes how to use and adjust the materials involved in tooth alignment. Featuring full-color photos and illustrations, this book provides a clear overview of tooth alignment techniques along with step-by-step instructions for both normal and unusual cases. An Expert Consult website includes access to the fully searchable eBook. From a team of active clinicians and researchers led by Ravindra Nanda, this expert resource takes your orthodontic skills to the next level.

Protocols for treatment describe how to manage aligner orthodontics cases in almost every clinical situation.
Full-color photos and illustrations show clinical cases.
Expert, international authors represent the top fields of aligner orthodontics and provide the latest thinking and the most current procedures.
Explanation of biological science makes it easier to understand the principles behind aligner treatment.
Coverage of mechanical properties clearly explains the materials used in aligner orthodontics.
Tips and tricks provide advice and insight into technical adjustment.
Expert Consult website includes fully searchable access to the entire text.


Note: Only Dental member can download this ebook. Learn more here!

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