The third edition of Clinical Endodontics retains the successful format and practical scope of previous editions. The book opens with an overview of the biology of the endodontium and the apical periodontium. It then provides detailed descriptions of the etiology and pathogenesis of endodontic diseases, examination and diagnostic techniques, and treatments. The book also covers instruments, endodontic materials, endodontic retreatment, bleaching, restoration, and prognosis. Features:Easy-to-reference presentation of dental morphology and treatment guidelines Chapter on how to avoid and manage potential complicationsMore than 550 high-quality illustrations demonstrating important concepts.This book is a valuable resource for students that will enable them to fully grasp the fundamental concepts of clinical endodontics. It is also serve as a refresher for general practitioners, postdoctoral students, and endodontists.
Note: Only Radiology member can download this ebook. Learn more here!
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